
Help with Trip Approval

If you need approval to attend the InnovX™ summit, use the customizable email template below.

Use Our Template for Trip Approval

Dear [your manager’s name],

I’d like to attend the InnovX engineering and innovation summit that is taking place before the TIA-TR14 event on October 3, 2023, in Omaha, Nebraska, at the Valmont Valley Campus.

I’ll learn a lot during this event, attending learning sessions and connecting with industry leaders and peers. By participating in this conference, I can earn PDH credits, witness live test validations, hear from various subject matter experts, and attend interactive workshops.

Here is a link to the event page for more information: https://www.innovxevent.com

After I return from the event, I will send a report with a summary of what I learned and how it can benefit our company moving forward.

Thank you for your consideration, I look forward to your reply.


Questions? Let's talk.
